Mountain View Boston Terriers

Breed By: Loretta Martin
Owned By: Cathy Jones
Am/Can CH. T-Bo's Mtnview Of Gold ROM
CH To-Che’s Premium Blend ROM CH. Sunwoods Designed By Cosmo
To-Che's Here She comes Again
CH. T-Bo’s Vision By Flashpoint ROM CH Flashpoints  Jose Cuervo
CH. Sunwoods Double Vision

Can CH. Norlight's Clearly Canadian

CH. Ch. Robb Isle Uncle Tom CH Katbird's One n Only Jazzman ROM
Can CH. Robb Isle Nancy Anne
Burke's Lucky Lady Chelsey Can CH. Soliloquy's Bet A King's Ransom
Burke's Lucky Miss Francine
Its with great saddness that we had to do an emergency spay on Faithy due to pyo.
We apologize to those hoping for a puppy from Faith on her third and final litter. She is resting peacefully and doing well.
Faith is a true princess and a beauty, after healing she "may" be available to a totally devoted highly recommended pet home, otherwise she will remain as a mother hen with Becky!